How Can We Reach the ACE Level in PUBG?

How Can We Reach the ACE Level Faster In PUBG ?

 Now a Days Everyone knows about Players Unknown Battleground PUBG is the most popular game in the world each and everyone wants to play this game like a professional, most of the peoples are Earn the money by playing PUBG. 

 PUBG Mobile entered the gaming industry with a loud bang. This game is not a joke because almost 60 million-plus people like this game and play this game. Until now competitive gaming was limited to PC gamers but Tencent Games has managed to bring mobile through PUBG. Currently, there is a lot of competition in PUBG gaming.
However, everyone wants to reach a higher rank in PUBG. People who were already into competitive gaming found there way up but the new players who never played multiplayer games.

I will share some useful tips that will help you rank up faster and reach ACE. These tips will help you to boost the level and rank from more kills it also boosting heal score, survival score, rating score, damages, etc. If you are focus on these points then absolutely your level will be increased in the game.

There are 5 Tips To Reach ACE levels.

1. Avoid the Hot Drops

 Always avoid the Hot drops and try to land at fewer crowd areas. In PUBG survival rating is more important, in fact, it is one of the top 2 most important ratings.  To improve your survival rating it is more essential to the alive loner. Because if we land in Crowd place, then there will be more chances of damage to ourselves at starting these damages are more affect on our rating or ranking.

How Can We Reach the ACE Level Faster In PUBG ?

   Avoid hot drops at famous places like Georgopol, Pochinki, School, Military base, etc. Choose these types of places for landing Lipovka, Rozhok, Farw, etc. Land always be those places where the least people are present because it will be easier for us to collect weapons and other loot. Avoid hot drops and stay alive.

2. If possible, more anime is to be Killed.

 Kill rating is also one of the more important things PUBG gaming because it is also essential for getting the rank in PUBG. Never take the unnecessary fights with real players but try to camp in a position from where you can get some kills. 

How Can We Reach the ACE Level Faster In PUBG ?

 It is very important to try to play around the circle and near the zone, if you stay closer to the zone border you will get the penalty to kill the bots.

3. Play near the Blue Zone.

 Always try to play as much as possible inside the Blue Zone or safe zone because if you are playing inside the safe without any mistakes, then your health will be maintained, which will cause you at least damage and if you have suffered least damage, then it affects your rating positively.
How Can We Reach the ACE Level Faster In PUBG ?

 This way you will always have your back clear and it will be easier to keep an eye open for the players.

4. Take Damage and Heal Yourself.

 Healing is also one of the best factors that also affect our rating. If we get more damages during suffering then healing is an important time to time because due to firing our armor is totally damaged then if we cannot heal ourself then in the next attack there is a lot of chances for more damage.
 If you find a bot and you are sure it is a bot, don't kill it right away. Let it do some damage to you, then kill the bot and heal yourself. The more you heal the more points it will get you.  

How Can We Reach the ACE Level Faster In PUBG ?

 Always keep medkit, the first edit kit, bandages, energy drink, etc.

5. Be the Last One Then Rock.

 If you reach the top 15 or top 10 then try to slow down and camp more instead of rushing around. If there is a fight in others, then do not fire on it, to target and kill what will be left from it. If you have sniper try to direct kill from it and if not then try to direct blow from another gun don't miss the enemy because that is the last chance for you.

How Can We Reach the ACE Level Faster In PUBG ?

  Play the game from Start to End very carefully because small mistakes are affecting on the rating if you play safe then you easily Reach ACE.